Software: Install Hivetool Pi image

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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
0.7.3 image on Window Remote Desktop.


Hivetool 0.8.0 RC5 This version 0.8.0 RC5 includes reworked temperature & humidity drivers and a better configuration interface, this release includes a scale calibration wizard and an upload test feature functional before registration (request access to private NOC page)
This version includes the 11-29-17 Raspian 4.9 Stretch release. The system image fits easily on an 8 gig micro SD card. Navigation to HiveControl is not supported. Download time from google ~1 hour with a decent connection.

HiveConTool This older 9/29/16 image is a bootable compilation of Hivetool and HiveControl software for the Raspberry Pi.
It is based the outdated Jessie 4.4.21 v7+ release of the Linux operating system, updating Raspian WILL break the install.

  • It is a (~3.6 Gig) and requires some patience to manipulate, in some cases hours.
  • When extracting use a 16 gig or larger micro SD card with 48 mbps Class 10 or better speed.

Download Images - Recommended for non-programmers

Download Hivetool 0.8.0 RC5 here; It does not include HiveControl like the HiveConTool version below.
This revision adds improved configuration interface and discards sensor misreads inherent with earlier releases
Checksums and Detailed instructions:


HiveControl Operates independently using the Hivetool hardware and can upload to the Hivetool cloud database. HiveControl includes a Dashboard and Graphical user interface with pretty trend screens. HiveControl is NOT maintained by the Hivetool group, questions & comments should be posed to the author rcrum003 HiveControl installation assumes a knowledge of Linux commands CLI and the Pi Raspian OS, not recommended for novices.
HiveControl may be downloaded or installed from githube here;

HiveConTool Link and installation instructions document (obsolete unsupported, will need recompilation)
[1] and download compressed SD HiveConTool image from Google Shared Folder; [2]
The intent of this version was to allow the user to evaluate both programs without swapping SD cards or reloading programs. This version allows the user to click back and forth between HiveTool and HiveControl user interfaces and databases
There are some undocumented alterations to get the programs to play nice together. The included version of Hivetool should be manually upgraded to 0.7.4.(instructions needed). HiveControl may show the original version when updated. Download; (3,656,677,501 bytes) zipped; Contains Raspian Jessie 4.4.21 v7+ Pi OS with Hivetool 073 and HiveControl 1.81 ready for expanding on an 16 Gig or larger micro SD card.
Download here:
Uncompressed MD5 Hash Chechsum 1fa33de383ca026188887aa2e6f54a16

Verify MD5 sum

Verify download was complete and error free. Check file integrity to ensure an exact copy of the compressed image file.
Calculate MD5 sum and make sure it matches:





With Windows explorer locate (usually in download directory). Right click on file to Extract to desired location

Copy image to micro SD card

Proceed with caution, an incorrect setting could corrupt your PC or attached storage. REMOVE any other USB memory devices from your computer.


Detailed instructions:

  1. REMOVE any other USB memory devices from your computer.
  2. Determine the device for the card reader
    1. /dev/mmcblk0 for the built in reader on my laptop.
    2. /dev/sdb for a USB card reader
  3. Copy the image to the SD card:

dd bs=4M if=hivetool080rc5.img of=/dev/sdb

Windows recommends using:
Detailed instructions:

  1. REMOVE any other USB memory devices from your computer.
  2. Plug micro SD Card in adapter, confirm device letter using Windows Explorer.
  3. Start Win32DiskImager
  4. Browse to source file (image in downloads directory)
  5. Make absolutely sure the drive letter (destination) to right of source file is the SD card
  6. Check MD5 hash (TBD) this takes a few minutes
  7. Click on Write, this takes a few more minutes
  8. Confirm successful write then exit
  9. The SD card image is called "boot" 25 files now visible in Windows explorer
  10. Windows will report 40 megabytes free space on the SD card

You are now ready to eject micro SD card and place into the Pi

Setup Pi Operating System

  1. Install micro SD card into bare Pi, power up with Ethernet or for (non windows use local terminal)
  2. If using Ethernet determine IP address by viewing latest entry in access point
  3. Identify IP in the DHCP table named "raspberrypi"


  1. On a Windows PC setup a new remote desktop connection (RDP), enter target IP address of Pi
  2. If the Pi is found you will be prompted to enter the default user "pi" and password "raspberry"
  3. Leave the default module as "sesmon-Xvnc"
  4. Once connected you will see the Pi desktop, Menu to "preferences"sub "raspberry pi configuration"
  5. Under menu "system tab" "expand file system", then OK then reboot from main menu last item
  6. Reestablish remote desktop connection using saved RDP Windows settings, login to desktop
  7. Under menu "localisation" tab set your timezone Local, Language preferences
  8. Under menu "system tab", Change default Password and the Hostname to match a hive name to be monitored, Ok to save & reboot
  9. Under menu "system tab" the remaining settings should be default unless a Pi camera is attached
  10. Open a Terminal Window, at command prompt run; "sudo apt-get update", also "sudo apt-get upgrade" to get latest patches
  11. Plug in WiFi dongle, configure WiFi authentication on desktop, top RH corner, dual monitors icon
  12. If WiFi connects, a signal strength indicator will replace the monitors icon, it will be necessary to enter the security key

You are now ready to configure Hivetool.