Hive Management

From HiveTool
Revision as of 21:56, 19 December 2013 by Paul (talk | contribs) (Orientation or Play Flight)
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Knowing what is happening in the hive is crucial to proper hive management. By knowing the beginning, end, and quantity of nectar flows, bee keepers can determine when to add and remove supers, when to move hives and where to locate hives to maximize honey production. By knowing the amount of young bees engaged in playflight, it is possible to calculate the strength of the hive and egg laying ability of the queen.

Below are graphs (weight and temperature signatures) of hive activity and their possible interpretations.

Orientation or Play Flight


Data Log 08/21/2011 15:30 + 122.1
08/21/2011 15:35 + 122.1
08/21/2011 15:40 + 122.1
08/21/2011 15:45 + 122.1
08/21/2011 15:50 + 122.1
08/21/2011 15:55 + 122.1
08/21/2011 16:00 + 122.0
08/21/2011 16:05 + 122.0
08/21/2011 16:10 + 121.9
08/21/2011 16:15 + 121.9
08/21/2011 16:20 + 121.8
08/21/2011 16:25 + 121.7
08/21/2011 16:30 + 121.6
08/21/2011 16:35 + 121.6
08/21/2011 16:40 + 121.5

At 4:30 pm on August 21st, 2011, a sudden drop in hive weight, at times as much as .1 lb per 5 minutes, was noticed.

From the weight loss, here 0.6 lbs (122.1 - 121.5), a rough estimate of the number of bees engaging in playflight can be calculated. Assuming 3000 bees per pound, approximately 1800 bees were flying (0.6 lb x 3000 bees/lb).

This behavior was observed for 5 consecutive days until it rained.

By knowing the amount of young bees engaged in playflight, it should be possible to calculate the strength of the hive and egg laying ability of the queen.

Playflight Trigger

In these two photos, the scale hive is on the right. The top photo was taken about 3:45 PM on the afternoon of August 23, 2011. Note that the left hive is in the sun, while the three hives to the right are shaded.

The bottom photo was taken about 30 minutes later. The sun has shifted enough so now the three hives on the right are in the sun, while the left hive is beginning to be shaded.

