Create SD Image Version 0.71
These are the steps used to build the 0.7.1 image.
[hide]- 1 Download the image
- 2 Feature Request
- 3 Bug Fixes
- 4 Create new image
- 4.1 Get latest Wheezy image
- 4.2 Set up Wi-Fi
- 4.3 Remove packages we don't need
- 4.4 Install packages we need
- 4.5 Patch perl module GD::Graph
- 4.6 Web Server
- 4.7 Create SQLite database
- 4.8 phpLiteAdmin
- 4.9 Install TEMPerHUM software
- 4.10 Install Broadcom 2835 Library
- 4.11 Install i2c support
- 4.12 Install wiringPi library
- 4.13 DHT22 Temperature/Humidity Sensor
- 4.14 HX711 weight ADC
- 4.15 TLS2591 Lux Sensor
- 4.16 Add crontab entries
- 4.17 Video
- 4.18 Access Point
- 5 Write Image
Download the image
Feature Request
- Most recent raspbian distro
- Removal of bloatware from Raspbian (games, educational, etc.)
- Hivetool Support Pi & Pi2 (auto detect preferred)
- Automatic removal of erroneous data from sensors
- Basic navigation from webserver index.html, especially and Hivestats with download.
- Menu driven selection & configuration of sensors (gpio 2,3 for DHT22s preassigned by menu default)
- Menu driven setup of essential parameters with choices that don't crash app when saving, grey out unused.
- Sensor calibration provisions (gain, offset)
- Display instantaneous sensor readings from config screen with read button
- Preload & configure Apache Webserver and database, Hivetool, sensor drivers for proven sensors.
- Update local & online hivestats graphs to display lux trend pen, (use latest hivestats with enhanced autoscaling for local)
- Network / wifi support out of the box seems to work well now, handle configuration on router side with DHCP reservation as may be needed.
- Add configuration menu item for naming pi, same as hivestats name?
- Minimize need to enter Raspiconfig, can timezone and time all be handled in hivetool config?
- Enable i2c & serial.
Bug Fixes
- Add timeout to crontab so can't hang.
- Fix HX711 code addressing and timing to work on Pi2.
- Fix tempered code to work with new TEMPerHUMs.
- Improve Wi-Fi auto reconnect.
Create new image
Get latest Wheezy image
- Download, unzip, burn image.
- Boot
- DO NOT EXPAND file syatem!
Set up Wi-Fi
1. Add your network information to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf. For an unencrypted open network with an ESSID of dlink:
vi /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf network={ ssid="dlink" key_mgmt=NONE auth_alg=OPEN }
2. Wi-Fi auto reconnect to AP
Go to /etc/ifplugd/action.d/ and copy the ifupdown file to
cp /etc/ifplugd/action.d/ifupdown /etc/ifplugd/action.d/
Then copy the script provided with wpa supplicant to /etc/ifplugd/action.d/
cp /etc/wpa_supplicant/ /etc/ifplugd/action.d/ifupdown
Remove packages we don't need
This will make room for software without expanding the image.
sudo apt-get remove --purge wolfram-engine penguinspuzzle scratch dillo squeak-vm squeak-plugins-scratch sonic-pi idle idle3 netsurf-gtk netsurf-common sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get clean rm -rf /home/pi/python_games sudo rm -rf /opt/minecraft-pi NO! Don't do this if you want to use the video camera: sudo rm -rf /opt/vc
Install packages we need
sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y install gawk bc apache2 libusb-dev libgd-graph-perl libexpat1-dev sqlite3 sudo cpan GD::Text GD::Graph Date::Format XML::Simple DBI DBD::SQLite
Patch perl module GD::Graph
The Perl Module, GD::Graph needs a patch to correctly draw a graph with two y axes.
Web Server
Configure apache
- Add .pl to AddHandler cgi-script
- sudo vi /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mime.conf
- uncomment #AddHandler cgi-script .cgi (around line 219) and add .pl so it looks like:
- AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
- add Includes and +ExecCGI to Options:
- sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
- In stanza <Directory /var/www/>
- change
- Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
- to
- Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes +ExecCGI
- Add index.shtml to DirectoryIndex:
- sudo vi /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf
- Change
- DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.php index.xhtml index.htm
- to
- DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.php index.xhtml index.htm index.shtml
- Copy the include.load module to enable it
- sudo cp /etc/apache2/mods-available/include.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
- Set up apache to listen on port 8080 if using port forwarding:
- sudo vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf
- add Listen 8080
- Restart Apache
sudo apachectl restart or sudo/etc/rc4.d/S02apache2 restart
Set sudo user privileges for Apache
This is necessary to allow to read the sensors. Run visudo to edit the sudo config file:
sudo visudo
and insert this line in the "User privilege specification" section:
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/2591, /usr/bin/nice, /home/hivetool/, /usr/local/bin/hx711, /usr/local/bin/Seeed_DHT22
Create SQLite database
cd /home/hivetool sqlite3 hivetool_raw.db sqlite> .read create_hivetool_sqlite.sql sqlite> .quit
Make it writable or will fail to save to the database.
sudo chmod a+w /home/hivetool/hivetool_raw.db sudo chmod a+w /home/hivetool
Install SQLite database administration tools.
apt-get install php5 php5-sqlite cd /var/www mkdir admin cd admin
Install TEMPerHUM software
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install dh-autoreconf libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev cmake-curses-gui
cd /home/downloads sudo git clone git:// cd hidapi sudo ./bootstrap sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install
cd ..
#sudo git clone git:// #cd TEMPered
sudo git clone cd TEMPered-v6-2015 sudo ccmake .
Then the sub commands: "c" to configure then "g" to save and go
sudo make sudo make install
Add /usr/local/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ to /etc/
sudo vi /etc/
So it looks like this:
include /etc/*.conf /usr/local/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
Run ldconfig to pick up the new libraries
sudo ldconfig
Install Broadcom 2835 Library
Download and install the bcm2835 library:
cd /home/downloads curl -o bcm2835-1.42.tar.gz tar xvf bcm2835-1.42.tar.gz cd bcm2835-1.42 ./configure make sudo make check sudo make install
Install i2c support
- Install i2c tools
- apt-get install i2c-tools
- add i2c-dev to /etc/modules
- run raspi-config and turn on i2c
Install wiringPi library
- get wiringPi code from github and compile it
- cd /home/downloads
- git clone git://
- cd wiringPi
- ./build
- Test
- gpio -v
- gpio readall
DHT22 Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Groove Seeed - DHT22 with modified code. Note that the code has been modified to return the temperature and humidity in floating point instead of having to divide it by 10, and a few other "improvements".
- Install wiringPi libraries
- Get the DHT22 software
- cd /home/downloads
- sudo git clone
- cd Grove-RaspberryPi/Grove\ -\ Temperature\ and\ Humidity\ Sensor\ Pro
- make
- sudo cp Seeed_DHT22 /usr/local/bin
HX711 weight ADC
Note: The original hx711 code has been modified to use the wiringPi library and a bug fixed.
- Download the software from gitHub
- cd /home/downloads
- sudo git clone
- replace hx711.c with hx711wp.c and add locking.h
- compile
- gcc -o hx711wp hx711wp.c -lwiringPi
- Copy hx711 command to /usr/local/bin:
- sudo cp hx711 /usr/local/bin
TLS2591 Lux Sensor
2591 Adafruit with modified code.
Add crontab entries
Edit crontab:
sudo crontab -e
Add to crontab:
# Check hive instruments every 5 minutes. Kill process after 3 1/2 minutes. 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * timeout -s KILL 3.5m /home/hivetool/ # # Check the server status. Kill process after 1 minute. 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * timeout -s KILL 1m /home/hivetool/ > /var/www/server_status.txt
Install VLC media software.
apt-get install vlc
Start the video streaming using Real Time Streaming Protocol to port 8554:
raspivid -o - -t 0 -w 800 -h 400 -fps 24 |cvlc -vvv stream:///dev/stdin --sout '#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554}' :demux=h264 &
Access Point
apt-get install hostapd isc-dhcp-server
Write Image
dd bs=4M count=1000 of=2015-05-05-raspbian-hivetool.img if=/dev/mmcblk0 zip 2015-05-05-raspbian-hivetool.img