To Do
- Backup database
- Design database schema for hive data.
In progress: The data from each hive is now going into a MySQL database. More details
- Populate the database
Back fill the database with historic data from the flat file on each hive.
- Replicate the database on another server
Web sites
- Convert this site to a wiki - add instructions and user manual and frame drawings
- Stream Video
Stream video from the hive or record it based on triggers. Partialy complete. See the video streaming links at This is a start of the technology needed for the Video Bee Counter.
- Drupal - add access to external database.
Integrate Drupal and MediaWiki
- Bee Counter
- Data Download/Export Tool...partially complete.
Allow users to download a subset or all of the data log. Specify start date, end date, interval, data fields, and file format (csv, xml, ods, xls).
- Add Comments to data file
Password protected input form that allows the beekeeper to easily add comments to log file.
- Graph Selected Data Set
Input form that allows users to generate a graph based on a selected a date range, interval, data fields. Partially complete at
- Smarphone App
In progress
Solar powered Wi-Fi system In progress