Create SD Image Version 0.71
[hide]Feature Request
- Most recent raspbian distro
- Removal of bloatware from Raspbian (games, educational as discussed)
- Hivetool Support Pi & Pi2 (auto detect preferred)
- Automatic removal of erroneous data from sensors
- Basic navigation from webserver index.html, especially and Hivestats with download.
- Menu driven selection & configuration of sensors (gpio 2,3 for DHT22s preassigned by menu default)
- Menu driven setup of essential parameters with choices that don't crash app when saving, grey out unused.
- Sensor calibration provisions (gain, offset)
- Display instantaneous sensor readings from config screen with read button
- Preload & configure Apache Webserver and database, Hivetool, sensor drivers for proven sensors.
- Update local & online hivestats graphs to display lux trend pen, (use latest hivestats with enhanced autoscaling for local)
- Network / wifi support out of the box seems to work well now, handle configuration on router side with DHCP reservation as may be needed.
- Add configuration menu item for naming pi, same as hivestats name?
- Minimize need to enter Raspiconfig, can timezone and time all be handled in hivetool config?
- Enable i2c & serial.
Bug Fixes
- Add timeout to crontab so can't hang.
Create new image
Get latest Wheezy image
- Download, unzip, burn image.
- Boot
- DO NOT EXPAND file syatem!
Set up Wi-Fi
Add to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf:
network={ ssid="dlink" key_mgmt=NONE auth_alg=OPEN }
Wi-Fi auto reconnect to AP
- Go to /etc/ifplugd/action.d/ and rename the ifupdown file to ifupdown.original
- Then do:
cp /etc/wpa_supplicant/ ./ifupdown
Remove packages we don't need
This will make room for software without expanding the image.
sudo apt-get remove --purge wolfram-engine penguinspuzzle scratch dillo squeak-vm squeak-plugins-scratch sonic-pi idle idle3 netsurf-gtk netsurf-common sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get clean rm -rf /home/pi/python_games sudo rm -rf /opt/vc
Install packages we need
sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y install gawk bc apache2 libusb-dev libgd-graph-perl libexpat1-dev sqlite3 sudo cpan GD::Text GD::Graph Date::Format XML::Simple DBI DBD::SQLite
Config Apache
bcm2835 library
Install wiringPi library
- add i2c-dev to /etc/modules (?)
- Install i2c tools
apt-get install i2c-tools
- run raspi-config and turn on i2c or in /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf comment out:
blacklist i2c-bcm2708 (?)
- reboot or run:
modprobe -a i2c-bcm2708
sudo apt-get install git-core git clone git:// cd wiringPi ./build
Groove Seeed - DHT22 with modified code
2591 Adafruit with modified code.
# Check hive instruments every 5 minutes 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * timeout -s KILL 3.5m /home/hivetool/ # # Check the server status 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * timeout -s KILL 1m /home/hivetool/ > /var/www/server_status.txt