Pi3B Enclosure

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Raspberry Pi Model 3 Enclosure (Bottom)

Screenshot 20200116 065902.png

OpenSCAD code


RPi3 hive interface enclosure top.png
            Raspberry Pi Model 3 Enclosure
              bottom with camera cutout
wall_thickness = 2;

       rounded_box(width, length, height, wall_thickness);           //  create the rounded box
       // add some standoff s for mounting
       translate([8.5,10.25,wall_thickness]) standoff(7,6,2.3);
       //translate([29,9.5,wall_thickness]) standoff(4,6,2.2);     //Pi Zero
       translate([57.5,10.25,wall_thickness]) standoff(7,6,2.3);
       translate([8.5,68.75,wall_thickness]) standoff(7,6,2.3);
       //translate([29,67.5,wall_thickness]) standoff(4,6,2.2);     //Pi Zero
       translate([57.5,68.75,wall_thickness]) standoff(7,6,2.3);

        // add some fillets for strength and printability
       translate([2,9.25,1])  cube([4,2,8]);
       translate([59.5,9.25,1])  cube([3.5,2,8]);
       translate([2,67.75,1])  cube([5,2,8]);
       translate([59.5,67.75,1])  cube([3.5,2,8]);
       // Standoffs for Camera 
     translate([(width-21-14.3), (length/2 + 14.3),wall_thickness])  standoff(2,6,2.3);
     translate([(width-21-14.3), (length/2 - 14.3),wall_thickness])  standoff(2,6,2.3);
     translate([(width-21+14.3), (length/2 - 14.3),wall_thickness])  standoff(2,6,2.3);
     translate([(width-21+14.3), (length/2 +14.3),wall_thickness])  standoff(2,6,2.3);
       // add alignment pins 
       translate ([wall_thickness,wall_thickness,height]) alignment_pin();     
       translate ([wall_thickness,length - wall_thickness,height]) rotate ([0,0,-90]) alignment_pin();
       translate ([width - wall_thickness,length - wall_thickness,height]) rotate ([0,0,180]) alignment_pin();
       translate ([width - wall_thickness,wall_thickness,height]) rotate ([0,0,90]) alignment_pin();
       translate ([wall_thickness+.4,wall_thickness+.4,height]) sphere(1.9, center=true, $fn=36);
        translate ([wall_thickness+.4,length - wall_thickness-.4,height]) sphere(1.9, center=true, $fn=36);
       translate ([width - wall_thickness-.4,length - wall_thickness-.4,height]) sphere(1.9, center=true, $fn=36);
       translate ([width - wall_thickness-.4,wall_thickness+.4,height])  sphere(1.9, center=true, $fn=36);
   translate ([wall_thickness,length-wall_thickness-1,8]) cube([width-2*wall_thickness,2,4]);
   translate([42.5,91,10]) cube([16.8,4,16.5]);     // Ethernet
   translate([6,88,11]) cube(40,4,15.5);          // USBs

   // Camera mount
     translate([(width-21), (length/2), .5]) 
     difference() {
            cylinder(h=10, r=15, $fn=50);
            translate([0, 0, -5]) cylinder(h=10, r=14, $fn=50);
// holes for camera mount  
  translate([(width-21-14.3), (length/2 + 14.3), .5]) cylinder(h=10, r=1.3, $fn=50);
  translate([(width-21-14.3), (length/2 - 14.3), .5]) cylinder(h=10, r=1.3, $fn=50);
  translate([(width-21+14.3), (length/2 - 14.3), .5]) cylinder(h=10, r=1.3, $fn=50);
  translate([(width-21+14.3), (length/2 +14.3), .5]) cylinder(h=10, r=1.3, $fn=50);

   translate([63,17.5,11.8])  rotate([90,0,90])  round_cutout2 (5,5,0,0,0) ;       // micro USB
   translate ([15,length-3,height-7]) cube([28,4,8]);    // shorten the spacers between USB/Ethernet cutouts
   translate([63,31,17.8]) hdmi_cutout();                                                      // hdmi
   translate([61,60.5,13.5]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=4, r=3.2, $fn=50);   // Audio
   translate([width/2 - 1,3,height-5.5]) latch();     // latch    
   translate([1,length-14,height-5.5]) rotate([0,0,90]) latch();     // latch
   translate([width-1,length-14,height-5.5]) rotate([0,0,-90]) latch();     // latch

/* *****************************************************
           Create a solid cube with 8 rounded edges
           but not on the top where the cover will go.
module rounded_cube(width, length, height, wall_thickness){
hull()                                // wrap a hull around 4 cylinders with rounded bottoms
   // place 4 spheres in the corners, with the given radius offset vertically by the radius
   translate([(wall_thickness/2), (wall_thickness/2), radius])  sphere(r=radius, $fn=50);
   translate([(wall_thickness/2), length-(wall_thickness/2),radius]) sphere(r=radius, $fn=50);
   translate([width-(wall_thickness/2), length-(wall_thickness/2), radius])  sphere(r=radius, $fn=50);
   translate([width-(wall_thickness/2), (wall_thickness/2), radius])   sphere(r=radius, $fn=50);
    // place 4 cylinders in the corners, with the given radius, 
    // offset vertically by the radius of the spheres
   translate([(wall_thickness/2), (wall_thickness/2), radius])
        cylinder(h=height-radius, r=radius, $fn=50);
   translate([(wall_thickness/2), (length-wall_thickness/2), radius])
        cylinder(h=height-radius, r=radius, $fn=50);  
   translate([(width-wall_thickness/2), (length-wall_thickness/2), radius])
        cylinder(h=height-radius, r=radius, $fn=50);
   translate([(width-wall_thickness/2), (wall_thickness/2), radius])
        cylinder(h=height-radius, r=radius, $fn=50);

*           Create a hollow box with rounded edges inside and out
*           but not on the top where the cover will go
*           by subtracting a rounded cubes that is 2x the wall thickness smaller 
*           and shifted by the wall thicknes from the first rounded cube.
 module rounded_box(width, length, height, wall_thickness){
    difference()                                                  // subtract two rounded cubes
       rounded_cube(width, length, height, wall_thickness);
       translate([ wall_thickness, wall_thickness, wall_thickness]) 
         rounded_cube(width-(2*wall_thickness), length-(2*wall_thickness), height, wall_thickness);

module standoff(height,diameter,hole){
    cylinder(h = height, r = diameter/2, $fn=6);
    cylinder(h = height+1, r = hole/2, $fn=6);

module hdmi_cutout () {
     rotate([0,-90,0]) linear_extrude(height = 4, center=true) polygon(points=[[0,0],[0,5],[-7,5],[-7,2],[-5,0]]);
     rotate([0,-90,0]) linear_extrude(height = 4, center=true) polygon(points=[[0,6],[0,10],[-7,10],[-7,6]]);
     rotate([0,-90,0]) linear_extrude(height = 4, center=true)polygon(points=[[0,11],[0,16],[-5,16],[-7,14],[-7,11]]);

module round_cutout2 (height,width,x,y,z) {
    linear_extrude(height = 4, center=true)
       circle(height/2, center=true, $fn=100);
       circle(height/2, center=true, $fn=100);

module square_cutout (height,width,x,y,z) {
    linear_extrude(height = 4, center=true)

module alignment_pin() {
        rotate([0,180,-90]) {    union() { intersection(){cube(4); sphere(3, $fn=36);}  }  }

module latch(){
      translate([-3,-1,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=6, r=1.2, $fn=36);


            Raspberry Pi Model 3 Enclosure
              top for hive interface board.
wall_thickness = 2;
       rounded_box(width, length, height, wall_thickness);           //  create the rounded box
     // add lip around RJ11 cutout
     translate([20, 14, 0]) cube([35,51,4]);
      // add some standoffs to guide the screw and hold the board.
      translate([6.5,11,0])          standoff(18,5,3.2);
      translate([55.5,11,0])        standoff(18,5,3.2);
      translate([6.5,69,0])     standoff(18,5,3.2);
      translate([55.5,69,0])   standoff(18,5,3.2);
       // add some fillets for strength and printability
      translate([0,10,1])              cube([4.5,2,17]);
      translate([57.5,10,1])        cube([5.5,2,17]);
      translate([0,68,1])        cube([4.5,2,17]);
      translate([57.5,68,1])   cube([5.5,2,17]);
      // add some alignment holes
     translate ([wall_thickness,wall_thickness,height]) alignment_hole();   
//     translate ([wall_thickness,length - wall_thickness,height]) rotate ([0,0,-90]) alignment_hole();
     translate ([width - wall_thickness,length - wall_thickness,height]) rotate ([0,0,180]) alignment_hole();
     translate ([width - wall_thickness,wall_thickness,height]) rotate ([0,0,90]) alignment_hole();

       // add some latches      
     translate([width/2 - 4,wall_thickness-.1,1]) latch();
     translate([wall_thickness-.2,length -10, 1]) rotate ([0,0,-90]) latch();
     translate([width-wall_thickness+.2,length -18, 1]) rotate ([0,0,90]) latch(); 
     // extend spacers between the USB conectors 
     translate([21,length - wall_thickness-4,  wall_thickness]) cube ([4,6,height+5]);
     translate([39,length - wall_thickness-4,  wall_thickness]) cube ([4,6,height+5]);
    // add some holes for mounting
   translate([6.5,11,-1])   cylinder(h=4, r=1.6, $fn=50);
   translate([55.5,11,-1])   cylinder(h=4, r=1.6, $fn=50);
   translate([6.5,69,-1])   cylinder(h=4, r=1.6, $fn=50);
   translate([55.5,69,-1])   cylinder(h=4, r=1.6, $fn=50);      

   translate([5,85,17]) cube([16.8,10,12]);     // Ethernet
   translate([24,85,15]) cube([15.5,10,12]);     // USB-1
   translate([42,85,15]) cube([15.5,10,12]);       // USB-2
   translate ([25,10,-1]) cylinder(h=4,r=2.51, $fn=50);   //LED
   translate([21.3,15.5,-1]) cube([32.5,48.25,6]);   // RJ11 gang jacks
   translate([15,1,16])  rotate([90,0,0])  round_cutout2 (6,6,0,0,0) ;       // 12 volt power cables
     // holes in corners for alignment pins
    translate ([wall_thickness+.4,wall_thickness+.4,height]) sphere(2, center=true, $fn=36);           
    translate ([wall_thickness+.4,length - wall_thickness-.4,height]) sphere(2, center=true, $fn=36);
    translate ([width - wall_thickness-.4,length - wall_thickness-.4,height]) sphere(2, center=true, $fn=36);
    translate ([width - wall_thickness-.4,wall_thickness+.4,height])  sphere(2, center=true, $fn=36);
/* *****************************************************
           Create a solid cube with 8 rounded edges
           but not on the top where the cover will go.
module rounded_cube(width, length, height, wall_thickness){
hull()                                // wrap a hull around 4 cylinders with rounded bottoms
   // place 4 spheres in the corners, with the given radius offset vertically by the radius
   translate([(wall_thickness/2), (wall_thickness/2), radius])  sphere(r=radius, $fn=50);
   translate([(wall_thickness/2), length-(wall_thickness/2),radius]) sphere(r=radius, $fn=50);
   translate([width-(wall_thickness/2), length-(wall_thickness/2), radius])  sphere(r=radius, $fn=50);
   translate([width-(wall_thickness/2), (wall_thickness/2), radius])   sphere(r=radius, $fn=50);
    // place 4 cylinders in the corners, with the given radius, 
    // offset vertically by the radius of the spheres
   translate([(wall_thickness/2), (wall_thickness/2), radius])
        cylinder(h=height-radius, r=radius, $fn=50);
   translate([(wall_thickness/2), (length-wall_thickness/2), radius])
        cylinder(h=height-radius, r=radius, $fn=50);  
   translate([(width-wall_thickness/2), (length-wall_thickness/2), radius])
        cylinder(h=height-radius, r=radius, $fn=50);
   translate([(width-wall_thickness/2), (wall_thickness/2), radius])
        cylinder(h=height-radius, r=radius, $fn=50);

*           Create a hollow box with rounded edges inside and out
*           but not on the top where the cover will go
*           by subtracting a rounded cubes that is 2x the wall thickness smaller 
*           and shifted by the wall thicknes from the first rounded cube.
 module rounded_box(width, length, height, wall_thickness){
    difference()                                                  // subtract two rounded cubes
       rounded_cube(width, length, height, wall_thickness);
       translate([ wall_thickness, wall_thickness, wall_thickness]) 
       rounded_cube(width-(2*wall_thickness), length-(2*wall_thickness), height, wall_thickness);

module standoff(height,diameter,hole){
    cylinder(h = height, r = diameter/2, $fn=50);
    cylinder(h = height+1, r = hole/2, $fn=50);

module round_cutout2 (height,width,x,y,z) {
     linear_extrude(height = 4, center=true)
         circle(height/2, center=true, $fn=100);
         circle(height/2, center=true, $fn=100);

module square_cutout (height,width,x,y,z) {
        linear_extrude(height = 4, center=true)
          hull() { cube(width,wall_thickness,height); }

module alignment_hole() {
        rotate([0,180,-90]) {
        union() { intersection(){cube(4); sphere(3, $fn=36);}}
module latch(){
      translate([0,0,0]) cube([8,2,height+6]);         // latch
      translate([2,-.25,height+4.5]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=4, r=1, $fn=36);